Saturday, November 21, 2009

300 - Zack Snyder - 2007

This is CAKE TOWN!

Story: Not much to say. It's the classic story of the 300 Spartans, retold in the style of the Frank Miller graphic novel. It's perfectly adequate to showcase the awesome fights and visuals. Nothing earth shaking here, but it gets the job done. C

Acting: Gerard Butler is one of those truly great actors that disappears into a role to the point where you sometimes don't recognize that he's the same actor from movie to movie. He is great in this movie and deserves the lead role. David Wenham and Stephen McHattie are also really good in their roles. Overall, acting gets and A.

Direction: Zach Snyder is very quickly becoming one of my favorite directors. This one isn't as good as Watchmen but it's still very, very good. A friend of mine didn't like the movie, describing it as being “very, very gay.” She was using gay to mean that it showcased lots of very pretty, muscular men acting as masculine as possible, not gay as in a generic insult from the 90's. Now, as a man who identifies himself as being a 2 on Kinsey's scale of sexuality, I don't see this as being a bad thing. Besides, there have been quite a few movies lately in which the only positive thing going for them would be lots of hot women in skimpy, skin tight outfits, so I see the pendulum swinging the other way as a positive. B

Visuals: What can I say about the visuals beyond that they're truly awesome? This movie has some of the best sword play I've ever seen. The switches from slow motion to regular speed create an epic effect of showcasing just how fast these guys are moving but also allowing us to see the details of their movement. A

Overall: This movie is lots of fun. It's not realistic at all and doesn't try to be. See it, unless you're a history major who would be offended at how historically inaccurate it is. B

Tacmovies: We're not failed film students who bitterly criticize successful movies... really... sniffle... so, um... yeah, ahem: Follow our reviews on blogspot, myspace, flixter, amazon, imdb, yahoo movies, and youtube.

1 comment:

  1. wow.. this is one where i think our views differ greatly.. - i haven't seen it since it opened in theaters but thought it was fairly bad.. - will likely re-watch it one day.. but in no rush..
