Saturday, November 21, 2009

10 Things I Hate About You - Gil Junger - 1999

10 Things I Hate About You – Directed by Gil Junger – 1999

A Time Capsule of Stars

Story: When updating Shakespeare, a strong story is virtually guaranteed, and this one doesn't let us down. It remains true to The Taming of a Shrew but doesn't feel terribly locked into an era. It should still be enjoyable in 20 years. A

Acting: Everyone brings the goods. Ledger, Stiles, Gordon-Levitt, and Oleynik all give memorable performances. A

Direction: It's almost shot like live theater, in that the takes are long instead of the usual quick cuts that get associated with modern cinema, and it works, largely because the actors were strong enough to make it work. B

Visuals: Nothing terribly memorable here. The dialog was the star of the movie and the visuals weren't bad, but they also weren't awesome. C

Overall: This movie is a lot of fun and it captured many stars in their younger years. Julia Stiles and Joseph Gordon-Levitt have all gone on to make names for themselves, and this will be a testament to the fact that they've always been good. Heath Ledger fans should remember Heath as Joker and as Patrick Verona from this movie as I feel they are his best performances and they showcase his range as an actor, as Verona and Joker are so different that it takes a careful eye to notice that the same man portrayed them. You should see this movie and I give a B overall.

Tacmovies: We're not failed film students who bitterly criticize successful movies... really... sniffle... so, um... yeah, ahem: Follow our reviews on blogspot, myspace, flixter, amazon, imdb, yahoo movies, and youtube.

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