Friday, January 8, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are – Directed by Spike Jonze – 2009

It's a great movie that I absolutely hated.

Story: Sometimes a movie comes along that I despise but I also recognize is a legitimately good movie. This is an example of that, so is Monster. This is the story of a little brat who throws major temper tantrums when things don't go exactly his way. When his mom ignores him while entertaining a male guest the kid acts the absolute spawn of hell and when his mother looses her temper with him, he runs away into an imaginary land where wild creatures live. I must compliment the writers for going beyond the book and mapping out a world that a child would imagine. A.

Acting: The acting was pretty good. The kid always made me believe that he was seeing these creatures and this world. The voices all fit the monsters perfectly and Catherine Keener did an excellent job as Max's mother.

Visuals: This movie looked awesome. The use of mostly practical effects with only minimal amounts of digital effects really assisted the overall product. As is standard with any story designed for kids, it contains a significant amount of traumatizing material, my favorites being when Carol rips off another monster's arm and it says, “Carol, that was my favorite arm!” leading them to replace it with a stick. The other being where Max hides in Judith's mouth from Carol. Tell me that isn't nightmare fuel! A

Sound: The music really fit this movie and so did the sound. Not much more to say. A

Overall: Understand that my hatred for this movie stems from my hatred for the kid in this movie. He needed a very good flogging. Did he ever get one? No! Why the mother apologizes to him for her loosing her temper with him. The kid gets away without punishment. Thank you, Hollywood, for encouraging parents to not discipline their children, for not teaching them to obey their authority figures, for letting them know that it's okay to throw temper tantrums, for telling them that mommy and daddy are in the wrong for trying to mold you into a valued member of our society, and I want to thank you adding to the general decay of our society as kids continue to grow up with no sense of discipline or work ethic.

For the record, as of this writing, I have no kids. Upon hearing my thoughts about this movie and my general thoughts on child raising, my sister has threatened to steal any children that I may ever have away from me so that they actually enjoy their childhood. A

Tacmovies: We're not failed film students who bitterly criticize successful movies... really... sniffle... so, um... yeah, ahem: Follow our reviews on blogspot, flixter, imdb, yahoo movies, and youtube.

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